
瑞安·唐纳森, 15岁


Mount Union prepared me for my current career by helping me get immediately into the career that I had planned on since high school.


B.S. 医学化验学



I work in the Automated Hematology department at Cleveland Clinic. 我们做全血细胞计数, test anticoagulants and count cells of the blood under the microscope. Physicians and doctors then treat the patient according to the results we give them.


I chose Mount Union because of several factors that I noticed immediately upon visiting the campus. One thing that really stood out to me was how close-knit the student body was, and I preferred that as opposed to schools where professors don’t even know if you attend their classes or not. Another factor was the beautiful campus and impressive academic halls which immediately made me interested and drew me more into attending. A third factor was the program that I ended up completing through Mount Union.  I had never heard of this program existing before Mount Union, and it allowed me to get into the exact job that I had planned on working in since before high school.


我最喜欢的教授是史密斯博士. Woodward, who taught Organic Chemistry I and II. He made a class that everyone was dreading into a class that I was excited to attend. I had always heard that Organic Chemistry was one of the hardest classes throughout college, and I had already struggled somewhat with Chemistry. However, he was such a personable and engaging professor that he made the class enjoyable to attend. Dr. Woodward also saw potential in every student and really made you feel a drive to strive towards doing your absolute best in his classes and to achieve and to continue escalating your goals.


My senior year at Mount Union was spent at Cleveland Clinic as a part of their Medical Technology program, which was achieved all because I attended Mount Union. It was an internship that went for a full year and allowed me to become certified as a Medical Laboratory Scientist where I was hired immediately upon completion of the program in Cleveland Clinic’s Automated Hematology department. 夫人. Saulitis was crucial in helping me get into the program. She was an amazing supporter and motivator through my years there and saw the potential in me that I would be accepted and be the first Mount Union student to complete the program. 如果不是因为夫人. Saulitis and the faculty at Mount Union, I would not be where I am at today.


Mount Union prepared me for my current career by helping me get immediately into the career that I had planned on since high school. Mount Union being partnered with Cleveland Clinic to allow students to participate in the program only further helped me by getting a jump start on my career path and my certification for 医学化验学.


What I like best about my current job is all the amazing co-workers who are supportive, 有帮助的, 在工作场所投入. I would’ve been happy working anywhere in the lab, but I really pushed to get a job in Hematology due to all the people I met while I was a student and how well I got along with all of them while they trained me.


How I stay connected to Mount Union is mainly through the Facebook page where there are constant updates about the school being posted. It is a wonderful tool to use when keeping in touch with all the news on campus. I do still keep in touch with friends I made at Mount Union and meet up and reminisce about all the memories.